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Take Your Time Back by Jill Deville

In such a busy generation, many seem to have an abundance of time. Time for what they make time for. Time for who they make time for. Time in abundance that is stored for self. How long do you take a bath, look on socials, watch tv, sit outside, or spend gaming? Yet, we tell the loved ones, acquaintance, or the person we have not spoken to in awhile when asked, I have no time. Recently I encountered an abundance of time, yes, even with my busy schduele. I am getting all the same things done, even with and for myself. In this time the enemy wants me to believe I am lazy in it, I am bored in it, or need to do more in it. That is not why God have me this abundance of time. You see, my heart wanted and needed more time with my family, self, friends, and most of all God. I asked specifically, not even with words, through my heart, mind, and strength. I did not even know I asked for it, but God showed me I did, and even when I did.

He showed me when I was working on deadlines with cases, and would get up early to take care of errands, bible studies, post, advertising, cleaning, getting my child to school by 7:30am. Then to work on messages, emails, and prayer; all to start my work day at 9am with my job and be ready to work until 5pm or later on cases to get out for the day, or to follow up on. Followed by afternoon errands, live videos for a message of the day, time with husband and child, supper, cleaning, and so on. In this time, I still had time for me, for socials, for t.v, and so on. I did not want to give any of it up. I loved it all and was glad to be "busy".

Busy was not the correct word. "Active and Living" is the right words. God showed me my heart would see post, messages, and ideas that I wanted to do, answer, and achieve. The enemy had convinced me I did not have the time. He also convinced me they would aggravate me or distract me. As my heart prayed, and my hands sowed in time, I began to gain more and more time. God gives what we give. God says ask and you shall receive. Most often your ask in the silence of your hearts true intend desires is answered more abundantly than the repetitive words that come from your mouth. Especially if those words are not speaking life ( faith ).

Most of the time you need to be honest with yourself and know that you not receiving because you are not asking. You like to be to busy because you do not want to be bothered. You want to seem important. You want to be unavailable for self. That is find, if that is what you want or who you are but be honest with yourself about it because the ones you trying to convince already know. You are not fooling anyone but yourself.

Often we say things like, " I am so sorry I have been so busy, I did not mean to not respond". Then there is the, "I am so busy, I am sorry, I can not go". All are lies from the pits of hell. Most do not know they are lying in this. Most assume they truly are busy. Then there is the others that know that they are not busy. Busy is an excuse, a justification, or a platform used for self edification. Why? Because you are busy with self, and self is on on your mind. You may not think so, because you or the enemy has convinced you that you are always tending to the needs or wants of others and to some decree it is true. But... you have time. You need to be honest with yourself and say, " I do not make time". You of course can not manufacture extra time, but you can receive what you truly want as you sow in prayer and time, or simply ask for it.

I come to you as Paul says throughout 1 & 2 Corinthians like you, humble, and aware now. Not to judge or condemn anyone. People like Paul and I, we had our time stolen from us too. We were tricked with the "busy" too. We used the "busy" too. The thing is we used it unknowing and we used it knowing. We can relate and now we can help you to separate. Exposing what the devil convinces us allows us to be set free from lying to others and ourselves. Exposing the tricks of the devil that literally steal, kill, and destroy us allows us to truly see and be set free. Jesus came to give us life of abundance. When you truly want to spend more time with Him, Others, or Yourself you will receive it, when you want it, and when you ask. Take your time back, and eliminate regrets.

Jill Deville

Author & Speaker

Jill Deville Ministries

For more ... check out my 8 books, my books consist of 4 books in my Show What You Know Series, 3 books in my Parable Series, and now 1 book in my Bible Study Series.

All my books teach you the Word of God with simplicity. How to connect with Jesus intimately and bond with Him to produce His (fruit) actions, reactions, power. This allows others to meet Jesus when they meet you!

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