Don't judge, or get jealous of the good things that are happening for someone.. just because you see so much good.

You have no idea nor could you handle all the bad they endured to get there. Not everyone seeks pity, cheer teams, approval, or people to fix their illness, trauma, drama... some truly trust Jesus and don't cast their pearls to pigs or dogs! Matthew 7:6!!!
Living in your opinions or other people's accomplishments will cause you never to achieve the massive things God has planned for you.
Don't you want all that pain, heartache, trauma, drama, loss (that manure, that mess) to be the very fertilizer that produces Fruit in you! The fruit of the spirit! The very proof Jesus is in you!
John 15 shows that
God is the Gardener, not you!
The Word of God Waters, not you!
The fertilizer (baptism by fire) gives you the nutrients you need to grow!!!
As you grow stay connected to the vine (Jesus) !!!
Decide to grow in faith and not fear!
Mind your business if you don't know how to act like Christ yet! Focus on your faith... compete against you everyday and then you win! Strive to be better than you were yesterday, trust in God's word, and know He has plans for you!
Want to hear more.... Purchase, Rent or Download my Book The Inheritance by Jill Deville wherever you get your books  Or get it now on Amazon or Kindle here!!!!
The Inheritance: Pass On Your Pearls Do Not Give Them To Pigs (Show What You Know Series)
Author - Speaker - Pastor
Jill Deville
Jill Deville World Ministry
Gift Ministry of Louisiana
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