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In All Your Getting... Get Wisdom & Understanding! By Jill Deville, Author and Speaker

Writer's picture: Jill Deville World MinistryJill Deville World Ministry

Job 1:21 NKJV 21 And he said:

“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,

And naked shall I return there.

The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away;

Blessed be the name of the Lord.”

I was reminded during a service on this pass Sunday on Wisdom and Understanding, that the importance of it both as a pastor and a Christian is..... No matter our trade, title, profession, friends, knowledge we are not wise if we do not have wisdom. You may be thinking.... well yea!

You see we learn many things from mistakes, failures, studies, lessons, classes, life and so much more. However if we do not use that knowledge for wisdom with an understanding we will not become wise no matter how much we know.

James 1:22 KJV 22 But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves.

Proverbs 4:7 KJV 7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.

Which brings me back to Job 1:21 Naked you come and Naked you go. You see Job had great knowledge, an amazing trade, money, status, family. He had it all, not because of these things. He had it all because He had the wisdom of the Lord and how to Show What He Knew in the word of God when all material things, and people were taken from him.

Most know the devil told God that the only reason Job was so faithful to the Lord was because He had it all. Therefore GOD said ... ((((not the devil!!! It is important to know that!!!)))) God allowed the devil to take his best shot at Job!

God told the devil that Job would not become faithless even if he took away everything, because the one thing that gave Job all of this... He will still have and that is (((GOD))) and the wisdom, and understanding of God's promises and how to use them.

The devil tried it all!! From taking everything from Job with the approval of GOD!!!! Job did not waver, Job kept focused on the Lord and when all was done Job gained double of what He loss.

That may be fine when you are thinking of the material things, the money, the status... but how was this okay with the children that died and now Job has more?? You can not just replace children like a puppy, right????

You see God knew the hearts of those children too, that they were not of Him, that they were not honoring God or would not ever honor their father, Job, and that they were causing others to be lead from God. ( Go read it before commenting ) In addition at any time, they could have went to God because they knew the Lord because of their father and been saved too.

Our God is a merciful loving God but we are here for Him, not the other way around. Therefore if you teach your spouse, children, parents that there is no God in your behavior, that God can not help you in provision, protection, salvation, strength, wisdom, understanding... If you teach your children the only way they can get these things is through you, schools, others, or themselves... then that is what they will know and believe.

Job taught his children about the Lord, and not only that... Job showed his children how to honor the Lord at all cost, but they chose not to listen, obey and follow that Way. Just like spouses, parents, friends, and children are doing right now, right before your eyes.

You continue to do your part with hope, wisdom, understanding, prayer and fasting knowing God is able. Do not speak what you see over them. Speak what you want them to have and have access to. That is your part. Not judgement, complaining, pity, or fear.

If they follow, hear, obey, know that is between them and God. Resist the thoughts and temptations of the devil that cause you to believe they will not change and most definitely do not speak that especially as a Christian. When you are beginning to doubt there growth or access to God... go look in the mirror and reflect on what God has rescued you from, and be hope to yourself that God is able!!! Able to do exceedingly abundantly... you are that proof.

God says in all your getting in Proverbs 4:7, get wisdom and understanding. Meaning while you getting the reading in, the status, the jeans, the sports, the family, the career ....go ahead and grab wisdom and understanding because it is the principal thing you need. You can know more than anyone, but if you show little to none of it, then you really do not know much at all.

We leave this world with the Lord just as we came into this world with the Lord, that is it. All the things you collect here are but a vapor just like your flesh. Your flesh is just the uniform that you wear over your spirit that allows you to live on earth ((( much like an astronaut has to be in space with their suit ))) once you leave this earth you do not need that flesh any longer.

You will not look 30, or your age when you died, or whatever the religions teach you. You will be a light like the Lord, a beautiful glowing light transformed to your true image.((( See Matthew 17)))

That light is in you now and shines out of your smile, eyes, behavior and so much more. Let that light shine here on earth and draw others to Christ through your actions and reactions. Do not be like the rich man in Luke ((((Luke 16:19-31))) that was in hell saying please go tell my family. God said NO!!!!! You should have done it then!!!

God's ways are not our ways.... Wisdom and Understanding works like this....

Yesterday I was praying for one thing, and believing in that one thing to take place. By the end of the day it was resolved, truly about 2 hours later. It was not resolved the way I would have wanted it to be, ((((thank God I did not give my suggestion to God...))) ((((( I may have messed up the fast response ))))!

God took something from me that I really wanted to do in order to answer that prayer. I had planned on doing this thing for a long time, and He gave me the thing that I was going to do through a prayer.... So what was a yes... turned to a no...

You see He needed to protect me, save me, teach me, or heal me with taking one thing to give me the other thing... that my heart, and prayer needed now.

You see the thing I wanted to do, and got approval from Him to do was taken all of a sudden ((( but instead of being concerned, mad, hurt, disappointed or shaken by it I had peace and received that within it with wisdom and understanding that many heart prayers was answered with that no... with that take away ))) and probally protection from allot of others things if I had gotten the thing I lost access too.

The point is God knows what is best for us, and by taking the one thing that revealed people and intent causing me to be protected not at a loss also gave me access to 2 others prayers being answered that I truly needed, that I am aware of ... I am sure there is more He will reveal to me.

In addition God gives you double of what you sacrifice or lose when you trust in Him. It is like you have that dirty old teddy bear that you had for years that means the world to you... and Jesus has a great big new one behind His back for you, if you just hand over the other one. Trust His process over yours He is the Creator.

God gives us the yes... and the Access

God also gives us the no... and takes Away

When you get wisdom and understanding you will understand, respect, and have peace with the why when you are synced to Him.

Do what you need to do now and rise up.

In all your getting... Get Wisdom and Understanding.

Jill Deville

Speaker & Author

Jill Deville World Ministry

#No Place Like Heaven

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