If I only had a Brain??? Do you ever wonder this?? If I could remember a good memory more that a bad one. If I could wake up thinking of the good times instead of the bad. If I could stop the negative thoughts, and fears that have me in worry, doubt and fear constantly. God has the ultimate remedy for that, however the world and the enemy has us believing otherwise! We find it easier to get upset, throw a fit, or even gather up a cheer team to share how right we are and how wrong someone or something is. The funny thing is no matter how many we infect with this nonsense, it does not solve the matter. Most of the time it makes it worse. Our actions begin to reflect who or what we believe in, whether that is ourselves, or a person, place, or thing. We think that the creations are greater than the Creator. At least that is what we show in our actions.
We often do not realize we are stuck in our thoughts. We often do not realize our actions & reactions for the day are powered by those thoughts. So we begin to hurt or confuse others. In my experience it is very hard to keep those thoughts from coming. However in my experience I have learned how to access the Armor of God. Especially in these matters! The Helmet of Salvation, The Shield of Faith, and the Sword of Spirit which gives us access to the Promises of God in His word. As you become closer to the Lord your mind begins to transform. You begin fixing or redirecting your thoughts to the promises you learn in God's word. This looks like..... I can do all things through Christ Jesus, I can be still and know He is God He will fight for me, The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want. I do not have a Spirit of Fear but of Love, Power, and Sound Mind. That is our true weapons of war and the true way to activate our faith in Jesus Christ.
Faith and the activation of it shows we BELIEVE in Jesus. Many say once saved always saved. However, how do you even know if you saved if nothing you do shows that you trust in the Lord. God's word says even the demons believe and tremble. We all know they will not be in Heaven. You may say, well they were never saved, and you are right. However look at the devil. He was the Most High Angel in Heaven for God and when he stopped seeking God first and His right standing he was cast to Hell. Many get saved because someone asked them to, they felt they had to, or they were pressured to. In these cases did you truly believe you were being saved? Think about it. But there is Great news !
Jesus allows us direct access to Him to have His salvation every single day. All you have to do is ask Him to forgive you for your sins, and forgive others for the sins against you and acknowledge that Jesus lived, died and resurrected for you. You must truly believe with an action that you are being saved. You must truly believe with a reaction that you are saved... meaning... as you go about your life seek God diligently. (Hebrews 11:6) The Book of James and Hebrews Chapter 11, Matthew 6 & 7, as well as Hebrews 11, and John 3 will help you if you stuck in this area wondering what does it truly mean to be saved. To get right to the point. I can give you a Bible for free, but until you use it, and believe what it says in it, with an action (faith) then do you really have that Bible? Faith without Works is dead. We must understand believe in John 3:16 is an action word not a free pass. If you are unsure read the entire third chapter of John and not just that one verse.
When you begin to study the word of God you can redirect the bad, confusing, hurtful things into a new mindset. You will begin to see even attacks as blessings. You will see the power of God for you and within you as you begin to Show What You Know. ( James 1:22)
Romans 12:2 NIV Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. +
Join us March 16th 2023 11am to 4pm for this Women's Conferance at Gift Ministry of Louisiana to learn more. There is No Place like Heaven Women's Conference
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God Bless You All.
Author Jill Deville
Jill Deville World Ministry
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