You can not act like Jesus, if you have no idea who He is. You may know of Him... but do you really know Him???

Most hear about your present, past, and even your future. Sure they will hear it from others, read about it in the papers even, they may even witness some of the things you say, or do personally. But this does not mean they know you.
They may know your mother, your brother, your father, your sister, your title, your whatever.... but this still does not mean they know you.
You are so persistent on people misunderstanding you. You expect them not to say things about you, or think that of you.. just because you heard it or even saw it . You crave them to know the real you.
Why would this be any different with Jesus. Why would you want to know of Him or think you know Him because of what others say or show you. Why would you not want to know the King of Kings personally? Why would you not want a relationship with Your Creator? Especially if you know He wants a relationship with you.
We crave others to like us, know us, accept us, count on us, come to us, tell us all their mess and messages... We want the boss, the pastor, the parent to notice us... but... Here is Jesus... saying come to me... and you like ... maybe later!!! WHERE DOES THIS MAKE SENSE. I think back to when I would do this and how much more I could even do now and feel so foolish, and ashamed of how long I pushed Him aside. It literally humbles and breaks my heart.
To know I know exactly how He feels from us... when we are rejected, misunderstood, put off until they have time... He gets how we feel, because we make Him feel this way yall.
When you read the gospels you will be introduced to Jesus.
You will be at His birth, you will see how He acted and reacted to people, places, and things as they loved, cared, served, rejected, tempted, hated, bullied, denied, abused, killed Him. As you see and witness and walk on a journey with Christ through the gospels your life will begin to transform. You will begin to notice He did not just come to earth to die for you. He came so that He could show you how to act and react to life. John 14:6 Says Jesus is the way, the truth, the life. No one gets to the father except through Him.
Once you get to know Jesus, you will learn that His word never has only 1 meaning. It is alive, It is Active and It has hidden messages and treasures within the letters of each word, let alone the word and sentence. You can only receive this wisdom and understanding with the Holy Spirit residing inside of you. Have you asked Him to come into your life humbly, sincerely, and asked Him to forgive you for your sins at that time, or even lately?
You see the way, the truth, the life is... the sacrifice Jesus made for us so that our sins could be forgiven. He paid that price. However we doo not have access to that salvation until we truly, truly ask, believe and receive it. You will know when you truly mean it because you will have an eagerness to transform and you will seek Jesus delinquently ( Hebrews 11:6 ) to be more and more like Him. Not as a works, religion, or earning system that used to having to do with people. As a desire, as a belief system. You will understand in order to truly believe you will show that in your behavior. Why? Because you will appreciate all He has done for you and you will desire for others to meet Him in you.
This gets to the second meaning of the way, the truth, the life..... Which is as you learn what Jesus done when He walked this earth in the flesh... the ways He acted, and reacted, the truth He followed and spoke of.. and the life He lead with purpose for others to receive Him, and access to Eternal Life... you will then understand the only way to get to the Father is by FOLLOWING THAT WAY, TRUTH, LIFE... in your behavior too.
We can not just say... I am saved I asked and it is sealed... then go on about our life in habitual sin, careless, and carefree assuming we are good... especially if some one corralled you, pressured you, or convinced you to be saved... then you probably not saved at all.
I do not want you to get to heaven and be told... get away from me I never knew you. I do not want you to get to heaven and stand there and say no one told me that... when you have full access to seek God so many ways... I do not want you to get to Heaven and say well she/he taught me this I did not know better when each time you did wrong your gut told you otherwise. Jesus Christ loves and adores you.. but He is not letting Heaven be ran like Earth EVER!!!
You heart, mind, soul must transform.. otherwise you simply seeking a title, label, or free ticket... that you truly do not even have.. you have just convinced yourself that you do.... Please decide... do dig into God's word and simply get to Know Jesus personally. He has so many things to show you and He can not wait to meet the real you.. the one that you have been covering up for sooooo long due to the enemy trying to kill, steal and destroy you ...
Take control today.. and decide you are worth having peace, love, joy and most of all Jesus.
God Bless You All.
Author Jill Deville
 Jill Deville World Ministry
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