We are in a season where people are accommodating their self and using the justification of " I am busy with my own schduele, youth, group, church or time. We also have many that are saying, oh, "I will come to one of your services, meetings, gathering, dinner or birthday", with no intent. Leaders it is time to tighten up the tongue and put it in line with the word of God in action. God says let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. That does not include ignoring, or lying.
Be bold, you were meant to be separate and apart says the Lord!
If you are staying in your own circle teaching each other, teaching only your religion, race, likes, groups, members, leaders, dislikes, and doctrine, then who are you reaching???? And are you growing at all. God has called us to step out of the crowd and bring unity. Groups, Churches, Bible Studies, Friends, Clicks, Youth Groups, or whatever you have that you call your own or your comfort zone!
Ask yourself today.... Am I reaching... Am I learning... Am I showing unity... Am I working for God or for Myself????
God gave you what you call "your own"... but know that it is His first and He gave you the title, the group, the church, the opportunity to build a rock, a foundation because He trust you with it to do what is right. King Saul and King David is the best example to refer to in this. What did each do and what did each gain or loose? The anointing, the position, the trust. God took it from King Paul and gave it to King David.
Do you want to be known in your circle or city limits or do you want to be known by God?
If you want be known by God, then you are to go out and divide and conqueror to widen your mind, your options, your circle, your comfort zone.
We need to show unity, there will be no clicks or tricks in heaven! We MUST LEARN TO BE IN UNITY HERE... to show Jesus Christ we are on duty for Him. Being in fear to engage with others in fear that they will leave, like it more, make you feel less than, or simply the travel or discomfort is LACK OF FAITH. Trust in the Lord. He is calling you OUT TODAY.
Bind on earth what you want to bind in Heaven. Seek Jesus over self and be set free in the name of Jesus!!!! Amen and Amen!!!!!
Matthew 5:16 NKJV 16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.
Romans 12:2 NKJV 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
2 Corinthians 6:17-18 NKJV 17 Therefore “Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord.
Matthew 16:19 NKJV 19 And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth [a]will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Step out of your elevation, control, pride, fear, and trust the Lord even in this.... who cares if they do not look like you, or do what you do. Together.... you can GROW IN FAITH TOGETHER when you decide you can learn just as much from them... as they are waiting to learn from you.
Study 1 Corinthians 12 for more then get out there.
Through the years I have experienced this with writers groups, churches, youth groups and simply individuals. Asking you to dress like them to speak there. Writers groups not wanting to include you because you are a Christian or preacher and may shout about Jesus. Leaders saying oh, they are this religion... do not invite them because they will....( fill in yourself because I know you have heard it or done it too ) Many leaders are scared to have somone that does not look like them to speak because they fear others will leave their church because they included you. While others do not include you because they feel you will out shine them. It is a mess! We are meant to be side by side, growing together.
Stop saying things like I need to pray on it, when you feel in your gut that God has called you to speak, attend or ask somone to speak that does not look like you. Trust in the Lord and access true deliverance from your box!
Jill Deville
Author & Speaker
Jill Deville Ministries
For more ... check out my 8 books, my books consist of 4 books in my Show What You Know Series, 3 books in my Parable Series, and now 1 book in my Bible Study Series.
All my books teach you the Word of God with simplicity. How to connect with Jesus intimately and bond with Him to produce His (fruit) actions, reactions, power. This allows others to meet Jesus when they meet you!