In the book of Joshua, you will be reminded of how your obedience & disobedience effects others, specifically your family (generation).
In a recent study in Chapters one through seven of the book of Joshua, I was quickly reminded of the mighty power of God, and access to God. I was also reminded that faith without works is dead, therefore it's imperative to keep getting up!
Joshua's obedience to God, and firm choice to follow God showed favor, hope, power, faith, and the warrior Joshua was. He didn't need to tell anyone, everyone saw it in his firm decision to follow God.
Joshua had a great example of this obedience that was found in Moses. Most of us do not have that. None the less, you have the example of them, and more importantly God's word, and Jesus Christ! Therefore you should not lean on excuses, pity, or reasoning ever!
God's word teaches us to live faith to faith. Meaning to rely and see what God's done already in our lives as we had faith in Him. In addition to the great hall of faith explained in Hebrews 11, and throughout the old and new testament in books such as Joshua. There is not one example left out. God covered every circumstance and scenario to keep you blameless!
Because of Moses faith, and walk by example, Joshua rose up. Because of Joshua's faith, and walk by example the spies rose up. Rahab merely heard of Moses, and Joshua and believed and waited on the Lord. God literally came to her door for assistance and knocked on it! I believe when she heard of Moses, and the Red Sea her heart began to seek God and God heard her and came! He came to a prostitute living in the city of sin in Jericho. A lady that could have had no hope. A lady with no hope for change from her own abilities. However, in one act of faith, God transformed her. Not only her but her and her family!
Achan had the same faith to lean on but instead he chose his own self. He chose to believe in him more. He chose to provide for himself. He chose to protect himself. Many do this. They praise the Lord, and know the word of God. However they work in the flesh looking to self or others to protect and provide. Achanchose the way of satan. He thought no harm, no one knows. What they don't know won't hurt them, but it did. When He finally confessed it was too late. God destroyed him and all his household, even his items, and animals. Don't let it be too late for you.
God is in the business to protect His people. God knows your heart. God has a law He lives by to keep honor, and access to eternity. When God knows that you will never be a part of His army He will move you and all that you have plaqued out of the way.
Our God is a God of order, honor, and a love that only His people come to understand. Choose this day whom you truly will serve, then show that belief with an action of faith like Moses, Joshua & Rahab in Jesus name amen.
Jill Deville
Jill Deville Ministries
For more ... check out my 8 books, my books consist of 4 books in my Show What You Know Series, 3 books in my Parable Series, and now 1 book in my Bible Study Series.
All my books teach you the Word of God with simplicity. How to connect with Jesus intimately and bond with Him to produce His (fruit) actions, reactions, power, and authority in you, and through you. This allows others to meet Jesus when they meet you!
